
Genre: Action, RPG
Release date: 12 June 2012
Game site: www.kratergame.com
Manufacturer: Fatshark

Krater is a post-apocalyptic RPG viewed from above and combines elements of action RPG with RTS tactics clasic old school as the Syndicate. The rich world players reveal the research and design. The story takes place in a gigantic crater, where now lies the city and a team of adventurers called free-Diggers rushed to find technologies retained and passed endless tangle of tunnels, caves and bunkers. The game is set in a futuristic Sweden, where deserts instead of find northern coniferous forests and wooden houses.

In the game you control a trio of soldiers selected from the range of characters that occur during progression. They have some of the four occupations. Bruiser is the first line and causing great damage to the enemy, medikus heals wounds, regulator and slows down paralyzes opponents and slayer is a great destroyer.

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