Prototype 2

Genre: Action
Release date: 24 July 2012
Game site: www.prototypegame.com
Manufacturer: Activision, Radical Entertainment

The main character Alex Mercer is not the typical good guy. They emit in New York City supervírus that although it did supernaturally powerful mutant, but the majority of people infected turned into monsters. The capital of the world, became a war zone, where the army tries to regain control.
Alex Mercer was lost 14 months after the New York fight broke out. The Army tries to restore order and divided the city into three zones according to the level of security infect. The red zone is the worst, there still exists a virus uncontrollable chaos prevails.
James Heller is a native New Yorker and served as a soldier in Afghanistan or Iraq. The outbreak of the virus has lost a daughter and a woman, so full of anger and desire for revenge. Volunteered to serve in the red zone. He wants to die and wants to take with them as possible mutants.
Head James Heller mutant ability is based on special fleshy tendons that shoots and captures them any objects, be they cars or enemies. They are then quite brutally torn a special power. Additional capacity is similar to the hero of the first part.

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